Whether it is through writing, photography, film or audio production, I tell stories of those who are often unheard. I seek out stories that put a spotlight on the unseen or marginalized. My work illustrates our many similarities despite our perceived differences.
This site is a collection of my art.
For a fuller look at the audio work I’ve done, please visit my podcast production company, Sounds Powerful. The audio section on my personal site showcases some of my favorite radio documentaries I have produced.
The short films I have produced and the essays I have written are a reflection of my life and the subjects I am passionate about.
My diary is a new project I am trying out. It is a daily fictional account in a character's life. It is meant to be read starting at Day 1 and continuing chronologically forward.
Shhhh is a collection of audio ASMR of some of my favorite children’s stories.
What else?!... I am also a mom, co-founder and co-director of WFNU Frogtown Community Radio, music DJ, radio producer and caregiver for disabled adults. I love animals, being outdoors, funky music, thrift stores, the sunshine, cheese and love of all kinds. I live in the best city in the USA, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. ”
Thank you for taking the time to view my art!
I'd love to hear from you. Questions, comments? Please contact me.
Your Voice is Powerful. Let it be Heard.
SOUNDS POWERFUL production services