While walking around the lake with my 2 year old daughter yesterday afternoon, she asked. "What's that sound?"
I stopped to listen. There was no one around us, but we weren't alone. The ducks hoping to catch a fish, dove in and flapped their wings against the water like a drum. Birds hidden atop giant trees sang out melodies to greet us. The whistling wind rustled through the tall leaves and branches, whispering choruses. The snow (yes SNOW!) flung itself against the asphalt path with rhythmic intention.
Nature's symphony. A perfect combination of living things working together in harmony to create a masterful, genius piece of musical art.
As we walked I started to think about all the living things that exist that can make music. From the woodpecker pecking beats into a tree trunk to the loons mating call, nature is like one big, awesome, never ending mix tape.
AND even when we're not doing, when we are just being, we are still creating music. Our breath is constant bed music-the rise and fall, uptempo or slow, it follows us, it is us, it's the very personal, uniquely ours, background music to our lives. Our heartbeats. The pitter-pat steady drum beat a fetus hears inside the womb of it's mother could be the first sound it ever hears. A steady, rhythmic, indoor symphony for one.
This thought led me to ask, if we have a constant symphony playing in us, do all living things?
If you plugged headphones into a tree or took a stethoscope to it, what would you hear? What is the life force that keeps them "beating"? Their bodies are like ours. I like to picture trees as having veins that move nutrients and water up through its body and limbs and back down through its roots, nourishing every part of its being and replenishing the earth below it. It's growing, it's moving, it's changing, it's making sound, a constant movement or vibration.
With this realization I came to the conclusion that yes, all living things, all energy, all matter, moves, vibrates, so... all energy has it's own very tiny, or very large, or somewhere in-between, beautiful, unique, extremely personal symphony it plays!
One of my favorite people of all time, physicist Nikola Tesla wrote, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration".
What Tesla and Einstein knew was that every object in the universe, from the moon and the stars to the coffee table you rest your computer on, every single object no matter how minute or how giant vibrates at it's own unique sound or frequency. Through research they discovered that the vibrational frequency of the earth itself (6-8 hz) is the same frequency the human brain produces during meditation or creative endeavors. So... your brain and the earth are creating the same beautiful symphony, an enlightened duet between you and the earth how amazing is that!
Although these frequencies are well documented and ancient, there is a lot of new "new-agey" information on sound healing. Frequency meditations are used to achieve relaxation, better concentration, and better sleep. A quick youtube search of sound healing frequencies will lead you to many, many free online meditations.
In conclusion, the universe is awesome, but you knew that. AND if you ever feel that you are alone, just remember that YOU are a part of an amazing piece of art. YOU are creating a beautiful unique symphony just by being your beautiful unique self!
-With lots of love and music, Katharine